
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spokane Need Living Wage Jobs

The city of Spokane needs more living wage jobs that are provided by private industry rather than government.  This is only going to happen if you have a city administration that is knowledgeable in technology and knows about various industries such as bio-technology.  We have a considerable base to build on with three universities in the area that could partner with business.  We also have a large number of college graduates that come to Spokane for college but then leave after they graduate because they cannot find work in their area of study.  One possible source of new industry that could move to this area would be the renewable fuels industry such as ethanol.  The waste to energy plant is an obvious asset that the city has failed to leverage.  The excess steam that leaves the turbine could be used to operate a pilot level cellulosic ethanol plant.  This would bring high wage jobs to the area as well as present the opportunity for partnership with local universities for research into the optimization of the production of ethanol from feed sources such as the grass waste that is picked up from all of the residential areas.  This would save the city money, because we currently pay to ship all of the green waste collected in the green garbage bins out of town, and this would bring a new industry with high wage jobs to the area. 

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